56. A.Moreno,G.Juarez-Martinez,T.Hernández-Perez,N. Batina, M. Mundo and A. McPherson,"Physical and Chemical Properties of Gels. Application to Protein Nucleation Control in the Gel Acupuncture Technique“,Journal of Crystal Growth, 205 (1999) 375-381. Ver
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54. D.Blasini, R.Castro, C.Cabrera, N.Batina and I.González, “Study of the (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane Self-Assembly on the Iodine Coated Gold Electrodes“, in Proceedings of the Symposium on New Directions in Electroanalytical Chemistry II, Eds:J.Leddy,P.Vanysek and M.D.Porter, The Electrochemical Society,New York, ISBN 1-56677-227-3, (1999) Vol.99-5 , P.247-258.
53. G.Carreno, E.Sosa,I.González, C.Ponce-de-Leon, N.Batina and M.T.Oropeza, "Anions Influence on the Electrodeposition of Lead onto a Carbon Vitreous Electrode“, Electrochimica Acta, 44 (1999) 2633-2643.
52. M.Palomar-Pardave, M.Miranda-Hernández, N.Batina and I.González, “New Insights for the Quantitative Interpretation of Potentiostatic Current Transients Obtaining during the Metal Electrodeposition Process“, in “Recent Research Developments in Electrochemistry“, Ed.:S.G.Pandalai, Transworld Research Nework, Triandrum,India,1 (1998) 15-29.
51. M.Palomar-Pardavé, M.Miranda-Hernández, I.González and N.Batina, “On Transition from 2D-3D Nucleation During the Electrolytic Formation of Silver on Vitreous Carbon in the Overpotential Region”, in “Fundamental Aspects of Electrochemical Deposition and Disolution Including Modeling”, M. Paunovic, M. Datta, M.Matlosc, T. Osaka, and J. B. Talbot, Editors, PV 97-27, Paris, France,The Electrochemical Society Inc., New York, (1997), ISBN 1-56677-180-3, p.27-40.
50. J.G.Ibañez, A.Alatorre, U.Páramo and N.Batina, “Study of the Degradation of Polypyrrole Films during the Reduction of Chromate ions by Atomic Force Microscopy”, Proceedings of the Symposium on “Energy and Electrochemical Processing for a Cleaner Environment”, Editors: E.J.Rudd and C.W. Walton, The Electrochemical Society, Inc., New York, PV 97-28, (1998) p.61-70.
49. N.Batina, A.Huerta, O.Pizio, S.Sokolowski and A.Trokhymchuk, “Primitive Model for Hexamethylpararosaniline (Crystal Violet) Monomolecular Adlayer.A Monte Carlo Simulational Study”, J. Electroanal. Chem., 450 (1998) 213-223.
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47. M.Miranda-Hernandez, M.Palomar-Pardave, N.Batina and I.Gonzalez, “Identification of Different Silver Nucleation Processes over Vitreous Carbon Surface from Ammonia Electrolytic Bath”, J. Electroanal. Chem, 443 (1998) 81-93.
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45. M.Kunitake,U.Akiba,N.Batina and K.Itaya,“Structures and Dynamic Formation of Porphyrin Adlayers on Iodine-Modified Au(111) in Solution:In Situ STM Study“, Langmuir, 13(6)(1997) 1607-1615.
44. T.Yamada, N.Batina, K.Ogaki and K.Itaya, "Lateral Structure of IodinAdlattices on Au(111) and Ag(111) Electrodes",Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Electrode Processes VI,; ECS, Eds: A.Wieckowski and K.Itaya, 96 (8) (1996) 43-57.
43. K.Itaya,N.Batina,M.Kunitake,K.Ogaki,Y.-G.Kim,L.-J.Wang and T.Yamada,"In Situ STM of Organic Molecules Adsorbed on Iodine-Modified Au(111),Ag(111) and Pt(111) Electrodes", ACS-Monography in "Electron Spectroscopy and STM/AFM Analysis of the Solid-Liquid Electrochemical Interface",Eds. G.Jerkiewicz, A.Wieckowski, K.Uosaki and M.P.Soriaga,A.C.S. Symposium Series,# 656,Chapter 13 (1997) 171-188.
42. K.Ogaki,N.Batina,M.Kunitake and K.Itaya,"In Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Ordering Process on Iodine-Modified Ag(111)", J.Phys.Chem.,100 (1996) 7185-7190.
41. N.Batina,M.Kunitake and K.Itaya," Highly-Ordered Molecular Arrays Formed on the Iodine-Modified Au(111) in Solution:In Situ STM Imaging",J.Electroanal.Chem.,405(1996) 245-250.
40. N.Batina,M.Kunitake and K.Itaya," The Well-Ordered Molecular Layers on the Iodine-Modified Au(111)/Electrolyte Interface: An In Situ STM Study",Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Electrochemical Science and Technology, Hong Kong, August 24-26,ISEST (1995) L31,1-5.
39. M.Kunitake,N.Batina and K.Itaya," Self-Organized Porphyrin Array on Iodine- Modified Au(111) in Electrolyte Solutions: In situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study", Langmuir, 11 (1995) 237-2340.
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